...Christmas Experience 2024 We are again planning to host a Christmas Experience for the children of local schools, this year on Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th December.
...Coffee Shop is open every Friday and Saturday morning from 10 a.m. until noon. We don't "charge" for drinks and a biscuit, just suggest a £1 donation, but if you don't want to pay that then it's free! Everyone welcome.
There are also a number of special events planned for coffee shop over the next few months during normal coffee shop openings (10 am - mid-day) including:
- Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 27th September - there will be coffee and cake available plus other fund raising ideas. Please support us with this annual fund raising event.
- Choir Concert - Saturday 28th Sept. with both the Men's and the Full Church Choir - join us for an hour or so of popular songs, starting at 10.30 am and sung by these 2 choirs. Free admission! Donations accepted to be split between Church funds and our church project for the year – Zambuko ra Jehova (a registered charity financing the advancement of education and the relief of poverty, hardship and distress among children and young people in Zimbabwe, in particular those orphaned through AIDS and HIV. Two of its founder trustees attend our church)
- Strings Orchestra Concert - October 26th. Come and listen to the Strings Orchestra that rehearses in our church hall most Saturday mornings. Free admission. Donations accepted split between the Orchestra and the Church.
- Children in Need - Friday 15th November - a fun morning to raise money for this worthwhile cause.
- Performance from the Platform Players (schoolchildren playing music) Saturday December 7th 11.30-12.30. More details to follow.
- Christmas Music with the Strings Orchestra Saturday December 14th 11am to midday. Another chance to listen to the Strings Orchestra as they start the lead in to Christmas.
- Carols around the Piano/Christmas Jumper Day - Saturday 21st December - our annual Christmas Carol "sing-song" with mince pies and coffee. Wear your best Christmas Jumper!
...Other planned events include a Quiz Night on Saturday, 12th October 6 pm at Church (bring your own food) and a Kurling Evening on Saturday, 11th January 2025.
For our latest newsletter (usually produced fortnightly) go to out "Notices" page